On Thursday 28 April 2022, the second digital Girls' Day took place at Volkswagen Group IT Solutions with 18 participants and six speakers from different departments. Last year, interested schoolgirls were already able to take part in the VWGIS online event. All the more reason for everyone involved to be delighted that an exciting and varied supporting programme was offered again this year under the motto "Digitalisation, transformation and the car of the future".
In addition to a first round of introductions, where the participants were asked to introduce themselves with bullet points such as first and last name, hobbies, favourite school subject and series, there was also an introduction to the company and the dual training as an IT specialist by third-year apprentice Jonas in the first hour.
In the welcome bags sent out in advance, the girls aged 11 to 16 were given attractive giveaways and delicious snacks during the break, as well as a Lego Serious Play package, which was used to start the first interactive session of the day. As an agile master, Moritz explained the benefits and use of the building blocks in his work and actively built various motifs with the participants.
In four further thematic blocks, the schoolgirls were given the opportunity to learn about the diverse tasks and job profiles of Volkswagen Group IT Solutions and even to participate interactively.
For example, UX designer Susanne explained the procedure of a user journey using a Spotify music example. The agile pilot David presented the Kanban Board interactively with the tool Mural and playfully demonstrated the handling and benefits of the agile board. Another highlight was the presentation of intercultural cooperation by IT project manager Ralf together with his Indian colleague Vandana from VWITS as well as the exciting insights into virtual reality in vehicle development using impressive videos and photos by Helge.
In the final feedback session, there was a detailed exchange about the day and the sessions. The positive feedback from the students encouraged us to organise another Future Day in 2023 and showed how fit the young participants are in remote work.